TurboIRC Alias Editor

Aliases are commands like IRC commands , that you create to execute scripts . For example , if you have to join channel #MyChannel_34 with the key 0xxxv23 , you should use /join #MyChannel_34 0xxxv23 . You can create an alias , for example /jc , for this command to be executed . Aliases are case - insentitive .

You cannot create an alias that has the same name with a "Default Alias" . See Default Aliases

Step 1 -> Press "New"

Step 2 -> Enter the alias WITH the ''/" , for example enter "/JC"

Step 3 -> Press ok

Step 4 -> Edit the alias script ( See Scripting ) and press "Store"

To delete an alias , select it and press "Delete" and press "Yes"

To rename an alias , select it and press "Rename" then enter a new name

If TurboIRC finds that you entered an alias , it will fire that script . If you have select one or more of "Server Popup", "Channel Popup" , "Channel Nick Popup" , "Query Popup" or "DCC Popup" , your alias name will be shown as a popup in the Server,Channel,NickList,Query and/or DCC window respectively .

You can group popups , using the Popup group . If you type e.g. "Group1" in a popup there , there will be a submenu "Group1" in the popups .

Examples :

/JC : /join #MyChannel : This will join #MyChannel

/J : /join $1 : This will join the first argument of the alias ( See Scripting )

Scripts that execute from aliases , take the alias name in $0 , and any other arguments you use in the alias as $1 , $2 , $3 .

You can create/modify/delete an alias from the command line , see Extended Aliases .

See also :
